What's a perfect way to kick off your Wealth & Wellness journey? With a wellness checklist!  The Wealth & Wellness Wednesdays series is about being, doing, feeling, and living exceptionally well…and getting better all the time. The 16 items on this list cover daily rituals and positive habits that can enhance your life and increase your success in mind, body, spirit, and money. The checklist provides a quick and simple way to see where you are and reflect on where you need to go from here. Use it to help you stay focused and accountable.

Take a look at the following list.  Reflect on areas where you shine and areas in need of improvement. Think about how to take the next step forward.

o You stretch or work out every day
o You stay focused on your goals each day
o Your routine is consistent and deliberate
o You treat yourself and others well
o You find time within the day for yourself
o You find something to look forward to after work
o You under-promise in order to over-deliver for daily tasks
o You spend more time doing what you want rather than what others expect
o You express yourself honestly and respectfully
o You take time to eat regular meals away from your desk
o You get enough sleep
o You maintain healthy boundaries
o You go outside during the day to get some Vitamin D from the sunlight
o You connect with people you love daily
o You pay yourself first and automatically put money toward savings and investment accounts as soon as you get paid (10% or more recommended)
o You create abundance by giving your time, resources, knowledge, or talent generously to those in need.

Turn it up a notch!
Take this checklist one step further. Turn it into a measurable wellness assessment and action plan by scoring yourself 1—5 points on each item (top score is 65), identifying actions to increase your points, and then prioritizing your steps toward greater wellness.