In the search for success and fulfillment, we all run into challenges from time to time that shake our belief in our potential for success. Don't take any failures or setbacks personally. If you're serious about succeeding, keep trying until you do. Here are some holistic and alchemical strategies to help you be more successful.
- Don't do anything to get what you want. Only do what matters.
The steps you've already taken, are currently taking, or will take to succeed mean nothing if they just run you around in circles. To take a quantum leap, aim for forward motion in a straight line. Take the action that has the most direct, immediate and positive impact on your goal. Don't waste energy trying to do everything you can. Just do what needs to be done. - Don't chase success. Invite it.
Sometimes a challenge is really a door that you refuse to open. Success can't visit while you're not home, and it doesn't come where it's not welcome. So invite it. Create the internal and external conditions that make the success you want possible and sustainable. Nurture the skills, traits or relationships that attract what you want. Make room in your life (and on your calendar) for your success to materialize. - Simplify your life around you want most.
Sometimes the obstacles to your confidence and success are just the personal or professional messes you leave behind. Your focus strays to navigating the mess rather than reaching your goal. To pull yourself together, clean up the mess. Clear your calendar of activities that are in direct opposition to your goal so you can make dates with success. Eliminate the physical, mental and emotional clutter that is unrelated to the life and success you want to build for yourself.