How emotionally intelligent are you?
Did you know that people with higher emotional intelligence (EQ) tend to outperform their peers? They often earn more, advance further, and make greater impact. The higher your emotional intelligence, the "smarter" you are about self, others, and how to read a situation.

Sign Up to Get the Link
Enter your email above to get the link to the online assessment test.

Complete the Assessment
Rate yourself on a number of traits, thinking styles, and behaviors.

Assess 8 Dimensions of Your EQ
The EQ assessment from Conscious Enterprise measures and ranks 8 dimensions of your emotional Intelligence. This scientifically valid test will provide helpful insight into different sides of yourself and your EQ strengths and weaknesses.

5 Minutes
This assessment takes up to 5 minutes to complete. Answer honestly for an accurate assessment.

Instant summary
See your scores instantly. Read below to learn what they mean and how to improve them.
Take Your EQ to the Next Level in 3 Steps
EQ scores are just the beginning. How you apply emotional intelligence makes all the difference. Learn to build and master your EQ.
STEP 1: Test your EQ
Measure your emotional intelligence and view a snapshot of your EQ profile. Get insight into your inner life.
Read the profile interpretation to explore and reflect on what your EQ scores mean in your personal and professional life.
STEP 3: Improve your EQ and Success - TAKE THE COURSE
Increase your EQ and rewire your brain for greater success with the "10 Steps Forward" emotional intelligence course.
Boost Your Scores: Train Your EQ
Increase your emotional intelligence and develop greater mastery over the complex way you think, feel, act, and relate. Train your EQ with our 10 Steps Forward course and rewire your brain for greater growth, happiness, success, and peace of mind.