Instead of resolutions in the new year, how about a reimagining of some aspect of yourself? Most of us, at some point in our lives, are presented with the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. If you change your job, move to a different town or country, for example, you can tidy up all the loose ends in your recent past and step out into a brand-new persona.
You can also change the way you dress, live, and how you show up in life. This is a particularly refreshing time for those people who welcome change because it gives them a reason and a purpose to change everything at the same time.
If you relish the opportunity to change, consider these 11 simple tips to reinvent yourself:
- Don't be so quick to do what is expected, reasonable, sensible, or appropriate. The point here is to enjoy yourself. For example: If you've always been âthe grey suit type' but love the idea of wearing Hawaiian shirts, just do it. Make it your time to shine. Live life according to your own values and joys. can enjoy every minute of it!
- Make new friends (especially if you're in a new job or locale). Choose carefully and wisely. You don't need to be everybody's friend. Keep your circle small and intentional. Sound people out and use your new friends to sound out new places and potential new hobbies too.
- Practice being a great listener. You'll be amazed at what you can learn about people, places, and everything else if you just listen. Be curious and ask lots of questions. If you're in a new place, others will expect you to ask questions. Ask some good ones–and listen.
- Explore new places and things. This may seem to go without saying but sometimes you have to push yourself to go exploring. Try a few of these adventures by yourself. Take plenty of pictures and even make a few notes or journal entries. It will make for great conversations later!
- Be a good neighbor. Take time to help others. Practice random acts of kindness at every opportunity. Do it because you can and for no other reason. Others will appreciate it when you help with no thought of a reward.
- Stand up and speak out for things you have a passion for. Let others know that you are both willing and able to make your point, debate an issue, or speak up for those who have no voice. People will notice that you are selfless and put others before yourself.
- Start early and be first. Show that you have a zest for life and can't wait to get at it each day. Starting early is a great way to be ready and be first when opportunities present themselves. Always be the first to volunteer for things.
- Be generous with your praise for everybody who has earned it. Giving credit to others will show how much you appreciate them, and it will come back to you tenfold.
- Keep yourself fit and healthy. Set a good example. You don't have to go crazy – just eat healthily, drink plenty of water, and do some form of exercise that raises your heart rate for 30 minutes each day. Others may notice you and be inspired, which, in turn, will inspire you to continue.
- Thank others – for everything, all the time. Show your gratitude to as many people as you can, as often as you can. Most people are starved of thanks for a job well done, for sharing their wisdom, or for acknowledging their kindness.
People will appreciate it if you show them gratitude for good words and deeds. - Walk with presence and purpose. So much of how we show up in life is directed by our subconscious. Walking with presence and purpose is a great way to minimize the time spent on autopilot. When you turn the job over to your conscious mind and really put some thought into what you do–even walking–amazing things can happen.
If you apply any one of these Top 11 Tips, you'll notice that people's perceptions of you can change in a heartbeat. If you apply yourself to all 11, you will, indeed, be a completely different person – one that you consciously designed. Try it – you'll like it!